We finished learning all about the farm. It was a lot of fun and the kids loved it. I used Deanna Jump's Fun on the Farm unit and Julie Lee's faces of the farm activities.
After learning about sheep and pigs we compared the two animals.
We created cow glyphs from Deanna's unit.
We made a T-chart and listed what each animal gives us.
We graphed our favorite farm animal and analyzed the data. This is from my farm unit available on TPT.
We wrote a farm fact book from Mrs. Lee's faces of the farm activties.
Here are some thinking maps also found in my farm unit.
We made giant farm animals and wrote animal facts using interactive writing. This idea is from KinderbyKim. Her farm ideas are amazing.
We read Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm and wrote mud poems. Then they made Mrs. Wishy Washy. This idea was inspired by Julie Lee.
We have been working on asking questions. We used this chart by Kim Adsit while reading a nonfiction book about pigs. My kids came up with some great questions.
Here is my retelling rope from Castles and Crayons. We used this to retell The Very Busy Spider.
Then I paired the kids up and we made a flow map of The Very Busy Spider. They drew and water colored each animal and dictated to me their part of the story. Another idea from Mrs. Lee.