I love it when the kids finally start to get a hang of all the new routines and procedures. Makes life so much easier. Here is a look at some the activities we did last week.
Another all about me graph. We graphed the color of our hair.
We did our first science experiment. Do you think a coconut will sink or float? We graphed our hypothesis. The idea came from Deanna Jump.
Here is a recording sheet we completed. Click below to download. It was a little tricky for my kinders but they loved asking their friends and going through the process.
This little interactive writing activity goes great with Pete the Cat Rocking in my school shoes.
The school buses are from Deanna Jump's fun with names unit.
Here are my birthday balloons. This year instead of giant pixy stixs I am using crazy straws. So much cheaper and just as fun for the kids. You can download the balloon from What the Teacher Wants.
We started using Kim Adsit's Reading workshop unit. It is a must have. Here is our journal for anchor charts.
This is one of the anchor charts we made together.
This is my hall chant I sing with my kids before we go into the hall. If you would like to make one just click the picture below to download.
Click below to download

Thank you so much for you hall chant! So cute!
Loving the charts!
First Grade Blue SKies
Everything looks terrific! The hair color graph is LOL funny :-)
Thanks for the crazy straw idea!
Wow- you've had a very busy last few weeks! I love the little heads of hair- color chart. So cute. Thanks for sharing.
Granny Goes to School
Oh my goodness...what color is you hair...ADORABLE!!
The Moffatt Girls
This is a really random question..but what font did you use for the names on the Chicka Chicka name graph?? I have seen it several places and can't seem to find out the name!
Also....love, love, love all the cutie patootie stuff! We had 3 teachers gathered around the computer during our planning time today ..we were oooing and ahhing over all your super cute stuff!
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