Tuesday, February 19

100th Day recap

The 100th Day of school was lots of fun! The day was filled with everything 100. I suprised my kiddos with this super cool 100th day banner. I found the letters in the Target dollar spot last year.
I love these 100 year old people inspired by Deanna Jump. They always turn out so darling.
100 gumballs in a gumball machine inspired by Julie Lee.
The following items can be found in my 100th day of school unit on TPT.
putting fruit loops in groups of ten for necklaces
This is one of the class books we made. I can eat 100 . . . We also made one for I can not eat 100 . . . and If I had $100 dollars . . .
Check out the whole unit here


Friday, February 15


 We love Tacky!! He looks so cute hanging out in our room. The patterns are free from Tammy over at Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten. Super precious!

After reading Tacky the Penguin we talked about character traits and the evidence we found in the book. Then we made this bubble map to describe Tacky. You can find the pieces to make this chart in my penguin unit found here. You can grab your own set of Tacky clip art over at cool school clip art.

After we described Tacky together I had them draw Tacky in their reader's workshop journals and describe him.


Sunday, February 3

Winter graph

Happy super bowl Sunday! Here are a few Winter activities we did last month. Find these and more in my wintery fun unit.  
We made a winter bubble map

After reading The Snowy Day we graphed, Have you ever played in the snow? For living in Texas we sure had a lot of kids say yes ;) We glued down cotton balls!

Then I had them survey their friends and construct their own graph.

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