We loved learning all about weather . . . especially twisters! We made a giant twister inspired by First Grader at Last. After reading all about tornadoes we charted our new learning on sticky notes and added them to our twister.
Another great idea by First Grader at Last . . . torn paper tornadoes. We used old magazines to tear up pieces of dark paper, glued the paper into a funnel shape, and added glitter.
Then we learned all about clouds. We went outside and observed clouds in the sky and then brainstormed a list of adjectives to describe clouds. We used the adjectives to write cloud list poems.
This cute little chart was inspired by the one Cara made over at The First Grade Parade.
At the beginning of our unit we created this wonder wall and followed up with our own individual I wonder research form. The kids ask their own questions and find the answers on their research form.
I love this ROY G BIV craft. I do it every year!
We learned about tools to measure weather. Chart inspired by Today in First Grade.
Our weather words!
Be sure and check out April's posts on weather over at Chalk Talk. She has great ideas. The weather words circle map came from her. We read the book The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins and discussed wind. I brought in my hair dryer to show how wind moves.
For more weather ideas check out my all about weather unit here!

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